Five Easy and Effective Ways to Increase Revenue

We know your nonprofit isn’t about revenue—you’re committed to delivering your mission. But, we also understand that you have to maintain and increase revenues to support and expand your programs. Here are five fast, high-impact ways that Doubleknot can help you raise more money for your organization.

  1. Collect more donations at your site and events. Guests are most receptive to donation requests when they’ve just visited an exhibit, watched a presentation or attended a class that calls their attention to the plight of an animal, an ecosystem or a valuable initiative. Place your staff in strategic locations to ask each visitor for support, and collect donations on a smartphone or tablet so that all the donor has to do is swipe a credit card. One of our clients recently collected more than $6000 in on-site donations at a weekend event using Doubleknot’s Sales Station app and secure card reader on iPads!
  2. “Adoption” campaigns aren’t just for zoos. Zoos around the country rely on animal “adoptions” as an important fundraiser, but adoption can be adopted by almost any other kind of nonprofit. For example, museums could offer the adoption of an exhibit while nature centers can offer adoption of a habitat, a trail or local wildlife. And, the same Doubleknot features that support adoption can also be used for fundraisers like donor plaques, bricks and more.
  3. Make adoptions giftable! Grandparents and other adults appreciate the option to give a charitable gift in a young person’s name that’s meaningful to the child. And, children can appreciate the gift of a donation when it comes with a personalized certificate and a plushy or other small memento. Additional on-site recognition opportunities for adopters, like awarding every young adopter with a ribbon that they can proudly wear on their visits, can help drive attendance and increase positive engagement with your organization.
  4. Integrate a donation request with every purchase. It’s easy for visitors to ignore a Donate Now button, even if it appears on every page of your web site. An integrated checkout donation request places the “ask” exactly where you want it—at the beginning of the checkout process when the visitor has already decided to make a purchase at your site. One of Doubleknot’s clients raised an extra $100,000 in donations just by adding a donation request during every membership signup.
  5. Drive new memberships with meaningful incentives. Standard membership benefits like free admission, gift shop discounts and reduced registration fees may not be enough to convert some of your visitors to members. Consider other kinds of incentives that purchaser’s will value but won’t reduce your revenues, like offering early members-only hours on popular days or priority early member registration for camps and classes: for many parents, locking down summer and holiday plans early is easily worth the membership cost.

If you’d like to learn more about how Doubleknot supports these initiatives, if you have questions about how to get started or if you can suggest an idea that we missed, please let us know at

WEBINAR: Getting Ready for Fall Events and Programs (Refresher)

Please join us on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific for an interactive webinar designed specifically for administration of fall events, classes and programs. Whether you’re a new administrator or an experienced user, you’ll learn new ways to simplify registration, gather all the data you need for each registrant, send automatic billing reminders and increase revenues through promotions, upsell opportunities and integrated donation requests.

Getting Ready for Fall Events and Programs (Refresher)

Doubleknot webinar: August 2, 2016

Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Time: 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific

Why Generic Plug-In Credit Card Readers are a Poor Choice for Nonprofits

Your Nonprofit Isn’t Generic. Don’t Rely on a Generic Payment Solution!

Doubleknot Sales Station is the best mobile POS for nonprofits.

Using Square or a similar solution for collecting in-person credit card payments may seem like a good idea, but the truth is, generic solutions can cause very real problems:

  • You have to configure everything in two systems: one for online purchases and one for payments at your site.
  • Fees may be higher. Generic payment solutions can have less favorable terms than the ones you’ve already negotiated for your online sales.
  • Because payments are recorded in another database, you have to manually consolidate sales and registration information from different systems for accounting.
  • You can’t access purchases that a customer already made online, so you can’t update registrations or collect outstanding payments and have the information automatically updated in Doubleknot.

The Doubleknot Sales Station app for iPads is the only fully integrated mobile point-of-sale designed specifically for nonprofits. With Sales Station, you can sell merchandise, sign up new members, collect donations and book new registrations and reservations anywhere.

You can even look up an existing registration, update the information and collect outstanding payments on the spot. And because Sales Station is fully integrated with Doubleknot, every piece of information is automatically stored in the single, unified database.

Every Doubleknot subscription includes the use of Sales Station at no additional cost, so if you’re already a client, there’s no reason to delay. Let us know that you’re interested, and we’ll get you started right away.

If you’d like to learn how Doubleknot’s integrated online, on-site and mobile solutions for nonprofit ticketing, admissions, registrations, reservations, memberships and fundraising can help your organization,  please let us know!

Tap. Swipe. Done. On-Site Sales and Donations are that Simple.

With Doubleknot Sales Station, every sale is this simple:


Add tickets, memberships and anything
else you sell to the purchase. Member benefits can be applied automatically!



Accept all major credit cards.



Store transaction centrally and
send an e-receipt. All online and on-site purchases are stored in the same database for easy reporting and analytics!


Want to learn more?
Watch our short video
Call us at (408) 971-9120.

Doubleknot Sales Station is an integrated point-of-sale solution for nonprofits including zoos, aquariums, museums, science centers, nature centers and botanical gardens. We offer a mobile POS to collect payments and donations anywhere on your site (or off your site), and a fully integrated POS cash register solution so you can manage exactly the same tickets, memberships, registrations, donations and merchandise sales through every channel of your organization. Learn more about Doubleknot at!